Help needed for Playgroup
We are faced with an urgent need for volunteers to help set up the Hewett Room on Sundays, and pack up both rooms on Mondays. We are desperately missing Tony O, and our other stalwart, Trevor, is having shoulder surgery and will be out of action for several months.
It doesn’t take long, about 10 minutes on Sunday mornings, and around half an hour of your time on Mondays from 11.20-ish, and if you come a little earlier we’ll give you morning tea. There is a plan of the set-up in the Hewett room to guide you, and the parents/grandparents are very helpful when packing up both rooms on Monday. For more specific details about what is involved please see me, Marnie Agnew, and talk it over.
I’d like to see if we can set up a roster for the next 3 months and if we can get a few people to put your name down for one or two days for the term I’m sure we can share the load and cover what needs to be done.
What we need:
Sunday 7th April set-up Hewett room
Monday 8th April pack-up from 11.20
Sunday 29th April: set up both Hewett Room and Dene Room after church
Monday 30th April: packing up from 11.20
Set up Hewett room on Sundays 5th May – 2nd June, (no set-up on 9th June – King’s birthday long weekend); 16th – 30th June
Pack up on Mondays 6th – 27th May, 3rd 17th, 24th June, 1st July.
I’ll have a roster in the morning tea room and you can put your names down when it suits you. I’ll also have a list of things that need to be done for each day.
Looking forward to welcoming more of you to our playgroup team.
Marnie Agnew 0408 474 699