The Silent Sky
Come join the Blackwood Hills Circle of Friends for Refugees at a preview performance of the play, “THE SILENT SKY” on Wed., the 7th of August!
It was written by Lauren Gunderson and tells the story of a very talented woman astronomer and what happened after she discovered something amazing!
The play will be performed by the St. Jude Players at St. Jude’s Hall at 444 Brighton Road, Brighton, and it will begin at 7:30 pm.
It costs only $20. per person, and the proceeds are shared between the Players and the Circle of Friends. (You might also want to bring some change as there will be a raffle drawn during the Interval.)
Tickets are being sold by members of the Circle of Friends for Refugees or you can buy them at the Blackwood Uniting Church office.
You can also call me on 0438 700 474 to buy some, but please leave your name, phone number, and how many tickets you want if I don’t answer.
We look forward to seeing YOU there!
Beth Shepherd
member of the Blackwood Hills Circle of Friends for Refugees