Solace in the Seasons of Advent and Christmas
As we prepare ourselves for Christmas, & the celebration of Christ’s birth, this season can be busy, fun and exciting as we see or hear from old friends. Christmas can also be a sad and difficult time for many reasons so we are organising a Service of Solace, or a Blue Christmas service. This is a joint service between Blackwood and Belair UCA and Blackwood Church of Christ. This service will provide an opportunity to remember absent family and friends, to acknowledge the pain and grief we are feeling, and to hear again the hope, love, joy and peace of the Christmas message.
Belair Uniting Church
18 Sheoak Road, Thursday 15 December at 8pm. Supper will follow the service.
Rev Sarah Agnew, Rev Leanne Jenski, Rev Mark Reissen
& Rev Coral Cogs Smith.
& Rev Coral Cogs Smith.