Roundabout Playgroup 2014
Playgroup has resumed for the start of our fifth year, with 35 families on the roll, and a wonderful group of BUC volunteers continuing to support us. Already we have had several new enrolments and a high degree of participation of parents/grandparents in storytelling, singing, & craft preparation.
The theme for this term is ”Summer/Water” and as a continuing group activity we are constructing a large collage of a riverbank with all the things that can happen and be seen along a river. Incorporated in the collage will be photos of the children. At the end of term we will display the finished mural in the church foyer.
Many thanks to Barb Goldsmith, Jean Finlayson and Meg Pentland for the sterling job they did washing, ironing and mending the cushion covers over the summer holiday break. Many people have commented on how fresh and clean they look. Marnie Agnew for the Playgroup Team
Please click the link to learn more about our Playgroup.