BUC Community Classes Updates
The Community Classes start again next week (Wed 28th & Thurs 29th Jan).
I am very excited about this year’s Community Classes Program. We have a few new classes starting – Mosaics on Wednesday morning and also a new program called “Batch Cooking” on Friday afternoons for Seniors to cook and share a meal and take home four nutritional meals for the week. If you would like some more information in regards to any of our classes, please see me.
Seeking Camera Specialists
I am looking into running a Camera Workshop at some stage and have had many enquiries and interest about this. Do you know of anyone who you think would be able to run a weekend workshop on this subject? If so, can you please contact me – many thanks.
Continuing Learning 2015 Term 1
- February 5th, 12th and 19th – Engineering a city with Richard Venus, Engineering Heritage SA Chair.
- February 26th – Trevor Conlon with history of Coromandel Valley.
- March 5th – Therese Willis from the Mitcham Heritage Research Centre – “historical family stories of Blackwood”.
The cost of each session will be $6 and morning tea is served at 10:15am followed by a presentation from 10:30am to 11:30am. Enquiries to Anne Grear on 8278 1178.
Click this link to learn more about our Community Classes.