Stillpoint – An Afternoon with Icons
An Afternoon with Icons hosted by the Rev Alan Biglow will be held on Wednesday, 6th May from 1pm to 4pm at Stillpoint House.
In recent years the use of icons as a means of prayer has been found to be beneficial by many outside of the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. Participants in this course will be introduced to the history and theology of icons in worship as well as techniques in “writing” them. We will also explore Visio Divina (Divine Seeing) as a way of prayer and use this to pray with some of the great works of St. Andrei Rublyov and his school.
Cost: $20
Registration forms are available at the front notice board in BUC, by calling 8178 0048 or emailing
To download a copy of An Afternoon With Icons brochure: click here.
To make an Online Payment for An Afternoon with Icons: click here.
Other times and places by arrangement
Stillpoint Spirituality Centre